Monday, April 30, 2007

Thoughts for Young Men (pt1)

Our small group this past year, has been going through the book "Thoughts for Young Men" by John Charles Ryle. I am going to do quite a few posts with a few of the points he makes in the book. They aren't going to be in any particular order, but all of the ones that I put up, I trust that you will take to heart and apply them to your life. Part one is an excerpt from chapter 4 point 4 which is: For another thing, be diligent in the use of all public means of grace.
"Be regular in going to the house of God, whenever it is open for prayer and preaching, and it is in your power to attend. Be regular in keeping the Lord's Day holy, and determine that God's day out of the seven shall henceforth always be given to its rightful owner"
"Young men, be jealous on this point. Whether you live in town or country, take up a decided line; resolve not to profane your sabbath. Let not the plausible argument of 'needful relaxation for your for your body'-let not the example of all around you-let not the invitation of companions with whom you may be thrown-let none of these things move you to depart from this settled rule that God's day shall be given to God.
Once give over caring for the Sabbath, and in th end you will give over caring for your soul. The steps which lead to this conclusion are easy and regular. Begin with not honouring God's day, and you will son not honour God's house; cease to honour God's house, and you will soon cease to honour God's book; cease to honour Gods book, and by and by you will give God no honour at all. Let a man lay th e foundation of having no sabbath, and i am never surprised if he finishes the top-stone of no God. It is a remarkable saying of Judge Hale, "Of all the persons who were convicted of capital crimes while he was upon th bench, he found only a few who would not confess, on inquiry, that they began their career of wickedness by a neglect of the Sabbath"
"Young men, you may be thrown among companions who forget the honour of the Lord's Day; but resolve, by God's help that you will always remember to keep it holy"
I love in the how he lays out the progression, starting with forgetting the Lord's day and leading to not giving any honor to God. I think that he is smart in making such a big point for us to start with the little things like going to church.

1 comment:

Micah James Lugg said...

Good thoughts. Thank you for posting, Nathaniel. Ryle does a great job at crushing small petty excuses and helps us see the monumental results of those choices.